The Disappearance of Karlie Lain Guse

Published on 16 June 2024 at 15:53

*Endangered Missing*

Missing since: 13 October 2018

Missing from: Chalfant, California

Sex: female 

Hair: blonde

Eyes: blue

Race: caucasian

D.O.B.: 13 May 2002

Age at time of disappearance: 16

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 110lbs

Clothing Description: A white t-shirt, gray sweatpants or jeans, and Vans shoes.

Distinguishing Characteristics: Karlie has her left nostril pierced.

Circumstances of Disappearance:

Karlie is believed to have been seen walking towards Highway 6 after leaving her residence in the White Mountain Estates aera of Chalfant, California on 13 October 2018. Her stepmother saw her lying awake at 5:48 a.m. and went to sleep in the same room with Karlie. Between 7:15-7:30 she woke up, and realized Karlie was gone. 

There were no signs of forced entry into the home. As a matter of fat, the front door was cracked open. She left all of her belongings behind, including her eyeglasses, cellphone, and money.

Witnesses claimed to have seen Karlie walking towards U.S. Highway 6, and a passing motorist saw her at the intersection. This is the last sighting of her. She has not been heard from again. 

There were conflicts early on in the investigation with Karlie's stepmother, Melissa's story and details. Witnesses claimed to have seen Karlie wearing gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and sneakers. However, when Melissa called 911 to report Karlie missing, the dispatcher asked her what Karlie was wearing and Melissa said she was wearing skinny jeans and a sweater despite witness despite witness accounts. Some people believe this is because it wasn't Karlie that witnesses saw, instead they believe it was Melissa. 

The night before her disappearance, Karlie was supposed to go to a football game, but that was the lie she told her parents to cover up going to a party that she wasn't supposed to go to. In the past, Karlie had smoked Marijuana but had since then promised her father and Melissa that she would not do it again, however, she failed to keep that promise. 

On this night, she had smoked marijuana an became paranoid. It is uncertain what cause her paranoia, as everyone at the party smoked the same marijuana and she was the only one that ended up paranoid. Her boyfriend was trying to look out for her during this time, but she was even experiencing paranoia towards him. She began to run down the street away from her boyfriend, and calling Melissa at the same time, apologizing for lying about going to the football game and smoking marijuana. She then asked Melissa to come pick her up at her location.  

She was still experiencing paranoid delusions on the drive home with Melissa. At one point, she told Melissa that she (Melissa) was going to kill her (Karlie). Melissa said that was preposterous and that would never happen. At one point, Karlie even grabbed at the steering wheel of the car, almost causing an accident. 

Karlie's delusions seemed to keep her awake that night. She continued to tell her dad (Zack) and Melissa that she (Karlie) believed they were going to hurt or kill her and asked if they would call 911. They both assured her that if anything happened that would warrant them doing so and they assured Karlie that they had absolutely no intention of hurting or killing her. 

Melissa tried making a salad for Karlie to eat since she had not eaten. Karlie spat it out and told Melissa that it was "Devil's Lettuce" and that Melissa was trying to poison her. Melissa continuously told Karlie that this was simply not true. Melissa got Karlie to calm down a little bit and painted each other's nails in Karlie's bedroom and Karlie asked Melissa if she would sleep in Karlie's room with her for the night. Melissa agreed. The last time that Melissa would see Karlie was around 5:30 a.m. and Karlie was just lying there with her eyes open.

Melissa fell back asleep, and when she woke back up, Karlie was nowhere to be found. The last sighting of her was around 7:30 a.m. 

Karlie, Zack, and Melissa only recently moved to Chalfant and her biological mother, Lindsey lived in Yerington, Nevada, 160 miles away. Lindsey believes Karlie might have suffered an overdose on the night of her disappearance, while Melissa thinks Karlie was abducted. Karlie's case is being investigated as a simple missing person case due to lack of evidence of a crime. 

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